With self-confident employees who believe in teamwork, we have always moved forward, designed together, produced together, and at the end of the day, together, we understood that the secret to success lies in having a good team.

We believe in a personnel approach that contributes to national and international competitiveness. Our team values expertise, discipline, and teamwork.


We prioritize personnel who represent our company well, from the smallest to the largest roles, both internally and externally. We aim for flawless and effective performance.

Our personnel structure emphasizes discipline, competence, and trust. We prioritize gender equality, equal pay, and promotion based on skills. We welcome individuals based on their talents and provide opportunities for both young talents and experienced professionals to contribute.

Our Human Resources Policy for achieving company goals includes:

  • Selection, recruitment, and briefing of qualified personnel based on supply and demand.
  • Clear job definitions to ensure explicit roles.
  • Fostering a socio-cultural company philosophy to enhance efficiency.
  • Motivational activities aimed at improving service quality.
  • Regular updates of seniority, experience, and innovative advantages in response to changing conditions.
  • Increasing participation in training programs both in quantity and continuity.
  • Regular analysis of Performance/Talent/Background evaluations.
  • In-house crisis management procedures.

For vacant positions and new career opportunities, please contact us at or fill out the form below for your applications.

  • Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx.
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